“Oerhört glad att jag hittat Karin, som verkligen är en expert inom växtbaserad näringslära! Hon är en väldigt hjälpsam och behaglig person att samtala med, som tar sig tid och är engagerad. Alltid med snabba svar och goda råd att ge. Karin håller sig uppdaterad med de senaste rekommendationerna inom näringslära och ser till den specifika individen. Det känns så tryggt att ha henne som bollplank gällande vårt lilla barns kost och för mig som gravid och vegan. Så tacksam för all värdefull information vi fått förmedlad både under möten och via mail. Bättre service än såhär kan man inte få. Rekommenderar Karin allra varmast! ”
— Ina, mamma till en 18 månaders pojke
““Karin är allt jag söker hos en dietist, och lite till. Jag har sen tidigare, erfarenhet av dietist via BVC. Dietisten via BVC utgick från generella råd och jag kände inte att jag fick tillräcklig hjälp. Karin är på en helt annan nivå. Hon är så otroligt kunnig men framförallt lyhörd och ‘skräddarsyr’ lämplig kost för just dig. Efter Karins hjälp känner jag mig så mycket tryggare och vet att mina 2 barn (5,5 år och 1,5 år) får i sig det de behöver på 100% växtbaserad kost.””
— Ronja, tvåbarnsmamma
“Karin has been instrumental to our family’s transition to plant-based diet. She provided so much support and guidance during my pregnancy and after I gave birth. Most importantly, Karin is always learning and sharing the most up to date information. Karin is very quick to respond to all the questions you might have. I remember having so many questions on topics such as: baby supplements, baby food, formula, breastmilk and she quickly, professionally and courteously responded to all of them providing recommendations based on both European and American guidelines. Now that my baby became a toddler I refer to Karin’s instagram profile @grazinggreens daily, either for meal ideas and tips, or supplement information and suggestions. I am so grateful to Karin for all her work, help and dedication. I can’t recommend her enough. She is absolutely the best! ”
— Natalia Jonsson
“When I met Karin I considered myself fit and healthy, I am a yoga teacher after all. However, there are a lot of different theories and trends regarding what one ‘should’ be eating these days and it can get confusing. I was lost in a sea of information. I am so grateful that I met Karin, a clinical nutritionist and plant-based nutrition expert. I immediately felt at ease with Karin and I appreciated that she was up-to-date on all of the latest research and evidence. Most importantly, it was clear that Karin practices what she preaches because her skin seems to glow from the inside and she is always smiling – true indicators of health and wellbeing in my book. Karin made everything so simple to understand. I was finally able to grasp that proper nutrition is not about trends and figure what worked for me as an individual. I cannot thank Karin enough for her support and guidance. I highly recommend nutrition consultations with Karin because she an expert in her field, extremely warm and approachable, and makes healthy eating simple. ”
— Kate O’Connor, RYT Licensed Mental Health Counselor Registered Yoga Teacher
“I highly recommend Karin. She is extremely knowledgeable, committed and generous. When I found out I was pregnant earlier this year and a bit scare about continuing with a plant-based diet, she immediately offered her advice and calmed me down. She even responded to my questions on nutrition, supplements and tips to morning sickness as she was giving birth. Once her baby was born and I felt more certain about my diet, we continued in touch. Karin has a lovely disposition, is non-judgmental and truly enjoys offering advice based on what is best to each of her clients and her knowledge about nutrition.”
— Monica Adame
“Karin was my employee for some years, and although we worked in a different industry than nutrition, just by being around Karin and seeing what she ate, how healthy she was, and listening to her talking about the power of plants, she got me very inspired and excited to try a whole food plant-based diet. I soon came to realize that there is a complete different level of a health, which I didn’t even know existed!
Karin is unbelievably passionate about nutrition and always wants to share the latest science. I became so motivated by this lifestyle I very quickly transitioned from what I thought was a fairly healthy lifestyle, to a whole-food plant-based lifestyle. Fast forwarding a few years, now my entire family, my wife and my 1.5 year old boy, eat this way and I couldn’t think of a better and healthier why to raise my son and continue our life. I cannot recommend Karin highly enough to anyone looking for help to transform your heath. ”
— Thomas Jonsson
“When I first met Karin, I was eating an unhealthy diet and didn’t know how to change. Karin taught me the science behind nutrition, shared great recipes, gave me restaurant recommendations, and much more. After working with her, my whole relationship to food has changed. My palate has expanded. I’ve stopped counting calories. I’ve learned to cook. I’m eating healthy. Oh, and did I mention I lost 10 lbs? Although she is an expert, Karin is personable and non-judgmental. I highly recommend working with her.”